Thursday, December 31, 2009

30 Weeks 9/17/08

If math serves me correct 30 weeks today, means 10 weeks to go. Or so. Could be 12. Could be less. My doctor received my current pregnancy medical records today, and asked me a few questions. My favorite? After asking my pre-pregnancy weight, he asked my height, then,

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, pretty sure,"

I stopped myself, felt it was ridiculous to try to explain the food, energy getting food over the winter entailed, the HORRID 24/7 morning sickness, the sagging jeans, knowledge that I lost weight in fried cheese land, and just went with,

"Well, it's genetic, tee hee, I can eat like a horse...just lucky I guess."

I never know what to say to doctors about my size. I'm not weight obsessed, just a little high strung, maybe? Like one of those little yappy dogs who shakes and pees a lot. I eat a lot, and when I don't, well those who know me don't want to, then they bring me food or banish me until I get some for myself.

"So, um you were probably on the low side, and now you've gained 30lbs so far, hmmmmm."

We moved on.

That would be 1Lb per week (at least), and last time it didn't slow down toward the end. So we're looking at 40 extra Lbs on my body, preschooler not included. Someone rub my feet, and my back, and then run me a bath & feed me ice cream.

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